Streaming video - 52 minutes
Kent is an award-winning and nationally recognized expert in talent acquisition and retention. His experience includes eight and one-half years with MRINETWORK, the world’s largest search firm. In 2003, Kent was the Top-Producing Individual Account Executive Worldwide for MRINETWORK, outperforming approximately 3,500 recruiters. Additionally, he co-owned and managed one of the five highest producing offices in a network of 1,100 offices spanning 38 countries.
At the very pinnacle of Kent’s decision to change careers, he asked himself this one simple question: What’s Your Why? And as elementary as it may seem, it was this question that changed his life forever by giving him the confidence to leave a cushioned C-level position, in one of the world’s largest accounting firms, to start his own recruiting business. Kent Burns is an award-winning and nationally recognized expert in talent acquisition and retention. In this episode, Kent shares his What's Your Why methodology which brings to the forefront the elements of personal motivation.