Streaming video - 39 minutes

Rob Mosley is a Managing Partner and Senior Trainer at Next Level Exchange. He is a licensed facilitator for Stephen Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Rob holds master certifications in Consultative Selling, Performance Coaching, Advanced Sales Negotiation, Strategic Client Communication, and Major Account Planning & Strategy. Rob is a keynote speaker and facilitator at continuing education seminars in the areas of Business to Business Sales.

We’ve become a very “skim” society. We “skim” think. We “skim” talk. We “skim” read. It’s important that we slow down and make time for the important things and not just rush through the urgent things. We often get caught up in what we call “The Runaround Dilemma”. In this session Rob shows us how to better prioritize, to know where to best spend our time and energy in accomplishing our goals.


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