Streaming video -  42 minutes

Karen Russo is the CEO and Chief Talent Officer of K. Russo Consulting and Mexico-based IIPE International Executive Research, a global name generation and customized research service. Founded in 1996, K. Russo Consulting is a leading boutique executive search and human resources firm with global search capabilities and recognized for being a best employer by the Working Women’s Entrepreneurial Excellence Awards. A recognized authority in her field, Karen is frequently quoted in the media, including the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and Business Week. She is an AIRS Certified Diversity Recruiter and is a member of the Society for Human Resources Management, IACPR, NAPS and The Pinnacle Society.

In this presentation, Karen shares her best practices in candidate career coaching and client business development. She also includes a bonus topic of how to leverage advanced research teams and techniques in your business.


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